First Ice

When I was a little girl I use to go hiking at Eagle’s Rest in Calabogie with my dad. Sometimes we would see ice climbers and I would always watch with amazement thinking that someday I wanted to try it.
Then one day I did.

After a year of iceclimbing I would say I am a bit addicted to ice.

Every weekend for the past three weeks we have went to check on the ice. Each day it forms a little more.



It is so neat watching how it forms from the outside in.


On week four we found some ice to climb, the first ice of the season.


It felt so good to get to hear the sound of ice again.

I also enjoyed getting to test out my new Shimmer Flash from Columbia Sportswear. It was -10c which isn’t that cold but cold enough for what seems like a really thin jacket. I would normally belay in a down jacket if it was any colder but I belayed and climbed in the Shimmer Flash and loved it. I stayed warm all day with the help of omniheat and warm lemon/honey tea.


Winter is here 😀